Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Randomness, yes, it is a word.

A while ago I mention Farmer and I were contemplating some life decisions, well I have switched my career focus of hair to be a side/fun job and I accepted a new job at Family Eye Care Center in a neighboring town. The pay is worth it and I think the stress of my student loans hanging over my head will be minimized. If I can just get those darn things paid off the fastest way possible life would be much more enjoyable. (by several hundreds of dollars a month!) :) I am enjoying my new job, there is a lot to do, and a lot more to the job than I had imagined which is good, I would rather be busy than bored!

Its homecoming week at the high school which means stress levels are extra high, and the girls have yet to kill each other over some dumb homecoming drama! After this week, cheerleading is all down hill, not to mention I should be receiving my paycheck soon, which always comes just when I need the answer to "why do I do this again?"

Flash back to Game night a NM homecoming tradition, we were bond girls class of 007! 
Holy blonde hair! :S

Fall is also in basically full swing, Farmer comes home a little later each night, and leaves a little earlier each morning. I am looking for list of things to do around the house to keep me busy and my mind off the fact that I am alone. I still have 2 weddings to attend so I am plenty busy with showers, bachelorette parties etc..  I have decided with marrying a farmer that my love love love fall relationship has now become a love-hate relationship! I love the weather and the clothes, and the smells and the lattes and, well you get the picture. I hate it because I have no one to enjoy it with because the fields and manure have taken my husbands attention. I need a good hobby!! :) 
Sorry for the randomness of this blog! Enjoy fall!

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