Saturday, May 26, 2012


Sometimes, things don't go as you plan but as HE plans.
Farmer and I couldn't be more excited and thrilled about our up and coming new addition to our family. Around September 18th we will become a family of 3.
Here's how we found out.

On the evening of  January 13th, yes Friday the 13th. I sat impatiently awaiting, what I thought would be negative results on that infamous stick in the bathroom. It sat on the edge of the tub, and I next to it just thinking. "it's negative, calm down, why do you get so worked up every time." "it will be ok if its positive, you can take that vacation later." "I  don't even have my student loans paid off yet"

Then it happened. That blinking, flashing hourglass stopped.
Plain as day.
I shook it.
Nope this can't be happening.
>insert *uncontrollable shaking*
*more tears*
*slight hyperventilation*

I called Farmer
Told him I took a test, and he said "o? well it will be ok!"
I hung up on him.

He arrived home later and we began to wrap our heads around the idea of having a baby. We were both excited once the shock went away.

Its not that we weren't excited at first, just surprised.
 At the very moment when you take that test knowing you haven't really been expecting to take one any time soon, or within the next 6 months, it can be a bit shocking. Once we both wrapped our heads around the idea of having a baby, we were both excited and decided that we would much rather it come as a surprise then have to try and be disappointed, and we thanked God for giving us this amazing blessing.

So as almost 24 long weeks later have past, we are both extremely excited 

Farmer is smitten with pride and excitement. I am right there with him
We have just finished the construction on the rooms upstairs and our little cowpoke will have it made!

I can't believe the emotional roller coaster the past few months have been, but at the end of the day, I know that Farmer and I will be great parents. Farmer is going to be one of the best fathers I can ever imagine. He melts my heart the way he looks at kids now. He is learning an awful lot through this whole experience and as always has manage to keep me laughing and light hearted about the things I want to panic about. His questions are so hysterical when it comes to the needs of a baby and the way he thinks it is going to work out.

I can not wait to start our new adventure as parents. For now it is on to decorating and rearranging the baby's room & house a 1000 times until it seems just right! :)
Please ignore the random video of a father and son. I was going for the song only :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Don't miss your life.

Two post in one day? I know what your thinking, sorry I am horrible at keeping up on this but the last post and this one are two very different things and I didn't want to spoil it by adding this random one on to it!
Anyway. New favorite song, Don't miss your life, by Phil Vasser I cried.
 You probably will too. Enjoy!


There came a point somewhere in my life when I woke up one day and I felt as if something was missing. It wasn't until I was out of my funk, happily married, and saw Alice in Wonderland when I found the perfect way of describing what I felt I had lost in those darker days of my life. My Muchness. yes Muchness.
 I felt as if I was just living day in and day out. And some days I still feel that way. I had felt as if I had lost my spunk, I had been so emotionally numbed to things that life didn't seem as mysterious or fun as it was before.
 I met Farmer and that funk seemed to go away. I slowly found myself and what I enjoyed doing again. Farmer and I recently purchased a store. A shop more so. I work full time at the eye clinic then enjoy my hair doing on the side, and my mom and I are slowing opening the front part with all sorts of trinkets and things that make people happy. I love to shop at small town stores and browse.

I named my store Muchness, because I felt at a point in my life I had lost it, and with my store and my life now, I feel I have found it again. Muchness. Muchness. Muchness. People tease at the name and think its silly, but when you dissect Alice and Wonderland there are so many good to live by quotes in that movie, that Muchness finally filled that empty spot I so desperately wanted to have a title to.

 I lost who I was and what I wanted in life and my happiness, and now I have found it again. My Muchness, I hope to never lose it again.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Soo I haven't been on here in a long time. I will admit with the busy fall, holidays, and starting the new job I haven't really found time to do this often! I promise to update you soon with an amazing blog. :) Hope everyone has been doing great. Life on our farm has been busy, obviously. The new job is great and we bought a shop and remodeled it so I am now doing some hair on the side! That's all I have time to update you on for now!! Check ya later!