Friday, March 25, 2011

Huston, Has a problem!

Well Huston has a problem, it is the big green monster of JEALOUSY!! Just yesterday Farmer brought a new adorable tiny calf over who was a twin and having some problems in her back legs. ( I believe her muscle mass and bones of her back half are slightly underdeveloped and because she is a twin the other calf probably took up most the room in the womb so she couldn't grow properly) She is adorable and I have named her Fern. ( originating from Fawn because she reminds me of a baby deer trying to walk, and Where the Red Fern Grows because she is red.) Well Huston is very jealous of her, when we try to feed her he bucks and rams her down. She also needs help standing up and he has no problem greeting us at the gate and just romping all over her! :( poor girl! Besides her legs I believe she is healthy and wants to suck just fine. So with some therapy and a mother's touch I am sure she will be great! I will try to post some pictures soon!! :)
 Keep on Farmin'!

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