Well Huston has a problem, it is the big green monster of JEALOUSY!! Just yesterday Farmer brought a new adorable tiny calf over who was a twin and having some problems in her back legs. ( I believe her muscle mass and bones of her back half are slightly underdeveloped and because she is a twin the other calf probably took up most the room in the womb so she couldn't grow properly) She is adorable and I have named her Fern. ( originating from Fawn because she reminds me of a baby deer trying to walk, and Where the Red Fern Grows because she is red.) Well Huston is very jealous of her, when we try to feed her he bucks and rams her down. She also needs help standing up and he has no problem greeting us at the gate and just romping all over her! :( poor girl! Besides her legs I believe she is healthy and wants to suck just fine. So with some therapy and a mother's touch I am sure she will be great! I will try to post some pictures soon!! :)
Keep on Farmin'!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Huston.... We have a problem
A few weeks back Farmer came to me and asked me if I wanted, yet another, "project". Now when Farmer says "project" I usually start to sweat slightly. This project got in my the heart and I was hooked, so my new "project" is Huston. No, not a vacaction, a calf. Huston's mommy passed in labor, basically she didn't know when to stop pushing and killed herself. Farmer found baby Huston on the ground on a cold afternoon still wet and not even cleaned off yet. Huston was a big baby which could have been a helping factor in the hard labor. Farmer then loaded Huston up and brought him to the barn across from our house, where I, his momma now, take care of him. Huston gets a total of 3 bottles a day, 1 1/2 at a time morning and night.
When we first brought Huston to our barn, we didn't think he would make it. He was feverish, and shakey. We believed he lacked Oxygen somewhere during the birthing process, because it took him forever to figure out the idea of sucking, ( and he still is a little off sometimes, he may be a little special :) ) He also had a swollen knee, assuming he had a hard fall from momma. After some medicine and, what I believe, was a "mother's touch, (The 2nd or 3rd day that he was in my care he was very ill looking, thin, shaky, feverish, and just not very lively so I sat in the barn with him between legs and try to give him that feel, that regular baby calves get when they lay against their mommas) must have worked because, he is doing much better now and is up and kicking and bucking like the normal calves. I no longer have to strattle him , hold is head and force him to suck or tube him to make sure he has some food in his tummy. I simply hold the bottle on the edge of the fence and he comes right up and chugs it down! I couldn't be prouder! Like any mother I have to brag with some pictures!! Enjoy!
Let me tell ya , I have HUGE plans for Huston. I want him to be so kind and nice to me so when he is out in the feild this summer he will always come up to me and let me pet him, but then he will be mean to everyone else and pursue a long career in the Rodeo as one of the toughest bulls out there that no one is able to ride, and has a sweet Rodeo name like "Huston... We have a problem" ,then I plane to retire him and fatten him up to be the biggest bull at the ISF, where then I will either sell him per pound or just keep him as a pet in our backyard! Realistic right?? ;)
Untill next time, Keep on farmin!!
When we first brought Huston to our barn, we didn't think he would make it. He was feverish, and shakey. We believed he lacked Oxygen somewhere during the birthing process, because it took him forever to figure out the idea of sucking, ( and he still is a little off sometimes, he may be a little special :) ) He also had a swollen knee, assuming he had a hard fall from momma. After some medicine and, what I believe, was a "mother's touch, (The 2nd or 3rd day that he was in my care he was very ill looking, thin, shaky, feverish, and just not very lively so I sat in the barn with him between legs and try to give him that feel, that regular baby calves get when they lay against their mommas) must have worked because, he is doing much better now and is up and kicking and bucking like the normal calves. I no longer have to strattle him , hold is head and force him to suck or tube him to make sure he has some food in his tummy. I simply hold the bottle on the edge of the fence and he comes right up and chugs it down! I couldn't be prouder! Like any mother I have to brag with some pictures!! Enjoy!
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how could you not love that face!! |
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<3 |
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Trying to warm him up |
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On his first walk |
Untill next time, Keep on farmin!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
New "Job?"
So as with any typical Farmer's wife, I believe almost everyone of them, (unless they make 6 ish digits) feels remorse about not pulling their own weight or their weight compared to their husbands job. I cut hair, and I <3 my job & what I do but obviously I make no where near what my husband does. I am not saying that we are rich by any means but everyone knows a good farmer can make a good living. Well I have been carrying this burden on me for sometime now about not making near what Farmer does. He doesn't feel I should, and maybe it's a power thing? I don't know but anyway, on this past Monday. {{Note- The following was all Farmer's idea}} We traveled to the big city, and bought us one of them fancy typing machines, aka: Computer, also we bought Quickbooks, with all intentions that at next tax season there would be no more panicking and scrambling to find receipts and scrapes of papers with numbers on them to hand to the CPA. So yup, I was hired by the boss man, to be Farmer's Wife: Official Book Keeper of All! So on my days off Mondays & Thursdays, (don't judge I work Saturdays so I work 5 days like everyone else, funky hours but I am at the salon at least 5 days a week!) :) I am to sit at this computer (which is amazing!) and plug number and receipts into the system, them file them neatly into the cabinet, then when the year rolls around for taxes, it is a simple , CLICK:: PRINT:: BOX::& STORE. Simple right?! Have you ever looked at Quickbooks? Or Farmer's old way of "filing" and "organizing". HA! Well simply put, I have my work cut out for me!
On the bright side my new "Job" has some perks,
1.) I choose my hours
2.) I can take a nap at work if needed
3.) required dress code: PJ's and Hair up!
4.) I can do my laundry between loads (see below)
5.) Well... lets just say sucking up to the boss isn't frowned upon in my new establishment. :)
Wish me luck!! Untill next time, Keep on Farmin'!
On the bright side my new "Job" has some perks,
1.) I choose my hours
2.) I can take a nap at work if needed
3.) required dress code: PJ's and Hair up!
4.) I can do my laundry between loads (see below)
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My Office. :) |
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Dell inspiron one, huge and touchscreen moniter, cordless keyboard and mouse, Jealous? |
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Yup, unfortunatly, I share my "office" with dumb and dumber. |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Honeymoon N' Such
Ok as always I will start my blog with an apology, so I am sorry I haven't written for awhile!! I will try wayyyy better!
The Farmer and I finally took our HONEYMOON!! :D yup! With God as our witness we traveled to Cancun, Mexico and back, without being jailed or dieing in the process. Farmer had a wonderful time, although you may have a hard time getting that exact answer out of him I can assure you while laying on the beach he was loving it! Only being married for almost 6 months, it was fantastic to get away! Sometimes with the farm life we tend to lose each other or just get busy to take time to bond and go out without anything else on our minds. The entire trip was wonderful, but one of my favorite days was Monday February, 14th (best Valentines gift ever!) We went snorkeling on the Reef! The fish were squirmy and nasty when they were a little to close for comfort, but after calming me down from some, possibly unnecessary, screaming, Farmer convinced me to go further and closer to the reef! It was like a being in Finding Nemo, AMAZING! Not to mention my heart would flutter while Farmer would grab my hand to get my attention to see another, almost glowing fish. I melted into a puddle of mushy love all over again with him. As we were hand in hand it was like a scene from a movie, except we looked ridiculously goofy in our goggles and flippers.
My Second favorite day was the 15th, the day after our snorkel adventure, Our schedule for the day looked this this:
Today's List of Things to do
---- Play in the ocean CHECK
---- Get Sun CHECK
----- Lose Sunglasses in Ocean CHECK
------ Swallow salt water & burn eyes from salt water in contacts CHECK
-- Drink Mango Tangos & laugh at how orange each others tongues are CHECK
-- Fall in LOVE all over again with each other DOUBLE CHECK
Like I said, sounds cheesey, but it was like a movie scene, an out of body experience, While doing nothing but playing in the ocean with Farmer all day, it was perfect, the sun was coming and going and waves were so soothing. We would sit for a while then go and play in the waves. The waves were high and hard when they hit! We would wade out about chest high,(on me), in the ocean and push our way though the waves, to reach a sandbar, which was then about thigh high. There farmer and I would jump on, over, in and under the waves, It was quite the workout actually, but my favorite part is when the farmer would have to hold on to me so the waves wouldn't knock me off the sandbar. ***WARNING EXTREME CHEESEYNESS*** There on that sand bar, in the beautiful Cancun, being held by the one I absolutely adore more than anyone on earth I fell completely head over heals, " reach for the stars,over the fence, world series kinda stuff", giggling like a highschooler, blushing like a schoolgirl, in LOVE all over again with farmer! It was like the whole scene had a surreal meaning to it, like him holding me so I couldn't be washed away was like our life holding on to each other trying not to be washed away by the busy hustle bustle of life. Being on the sandbar with him, I felt like we had no worry in the world, no pigs, no cows, no crops, no hay, NO NOTHING! Just US. It was a great to just be us and not think about things at home and really re-remember why we fell in love in the first place, not that I had doubts, but at home there are distractions and you don't seem to put the biggest things in perspective when you are so so SO surrounded by the little things that seem to cloud the big vision of life.
Like I said Cheesy but someday, if not already, I hope everyone will get that feeling, it's like describing the taste of water and air, completely impossible!
Our Resort ^ ^ ^
All of our plans went perfectly while gone, and the plans when we got back have gone great too! When we got back we, as scheduled, we started calving! && we since then have increased our herd by 15 ready to pop cows, so that makes the count just over 100 cows! which means hopefully, & God willing, just over 100 calves! My temporary babies in life.
Spring is coming which means, ripping and planting, and lawn mowing, I am sure I will have some exciting updates coming because Farmer wants to teach me to run the tractor this spring, and we are looking at sheep for MY, project.I doubt we actually go through with it but, we will see what happens!!
Hope you enjoyed, untill next time!! keep on farming!! ;)
The Farmer and I finally took our HONEYMOON!! :D yup! With God as our witness we traveled to Cancun, Mexico and back, without being jailed or dieing in the process. Farmer had a wonderful time, although you may have a hard time getting that exact answer out of him I can assure you while laying on the beach he was loving it! Only being married for almost 6 months, it was fantastic to get away! Sometimes with the farm life we tend to lose each other or just get busy to take time to bond and go out without anything else on our minds. The entire trip was wonderful, but one of my favorite days was Monday February, 14th (best Valentines gift ever!) We went snorkeling on the Reef! The fish were squirmy and nasty when they were a little to close for comfort, but after calming me down from some, possibly unnecessary, screaming, Farmer convinced me to go further and closer to the reef! It was like a being in Finding Nemo, AMAZING! Not to mention my heart would flutter while Farmer would grab my hand to get my attention to see another, almost glowing fish. I melted into a puddle of mushy love all over again with him. As we were hand in hand it was like a scene from a movie, except we looked ridiculously goofy in our goggles and flippers.
How can you not LOVE that face?? |
Let me assure you this is not zoomed in and those fish were out to get me!! |
Attractive right!? |
Butt shot, couldn't help myself :) |
My Second favorite day was the 15th, the day after our snorkel adventure, Our schedule for the day looked this this:
Today's List of Things to do
---- Play in the ocean CHECK
---- Get Sun CHECK
----- Lose Sunglasses in Ocean CHECK
------ Swallow salt water & burn eyes from salt water in contacts CHECK
-- Drink Mango Tangos & laugh at how orange each others tongues are CHECK
-- Fall in LOVE all over again with each other DOUBLE CHECK
Like I said, sounds cheesey, but it was like a movie scene, an out of body experience, While doing nothing but playing in the ocean with Farmer all day, it was perfect, the sun was coming and going and waves were so soothing. We would sit for a while then go and play in the waves. The waves were high and hard when they hit! We would wade out about chest high,(on me), in the ocean and push our way though the waves, to reach a sandbar, which was then about thigh high. There farmer and I would jump on, over, in and under the waves, It was quite the workout actually, but my favorite part is when the farmer would have to hold on to me so the waves wouldn't knock me off the sandbar. ***WARNING EXTREME CHEESEYNESS*** There on that sand bar, in the beautiful Cancun, being held by the one I absolutely adore more than anyone on earth I fell completely head over heals, " reach for the stars,over the fence, world series kinda stuff", giggling like a highschooler, blushing like a schoolgirl, in LOVE all over again with farmer! It was like the whole scene had a surreal meaning to it, like him holding me so I couldn't be washed away was like our life holding on to each other trying not to be washed away by the busy hustle bustle of life. Being on the sandbar with him, I felt like we had no worry in the world, no pigs, no cows, no crops, no hay, NO NOTHING! Just US. It was a great to just be us and not think about things at home and really re-remember why we fell in love in the first place, not that I had doubts, but at home there are distractions and you don't seem to put the biggest things in perspective when you are so so SO surrounded by the little things that seem to cloud the big vision of life.
Like I said Cheesy but someday, if not already, I hope everyone will get that feeling, it's like describing the taste of water and air, completely impossible!
Playing in the waves <3 |
Last Day on the Beach (notice the Pioneer hat only came off when we were in the water!) |
Our Resort ^ ^ ^
All of our plans went perfectly while gone, and the plans when we got back have gone great too! When we got back we, as scheduled, we started calving! && we since then have increased our herd by 15 ready to pop cows, so that makes the count just over 100 cows! which means hopefully, & God willing, just over 100 calves! My temporary babies in life.
Spring is coming which means, ripping and planting, and lawn mowing, I am sure I will have some exciting updates coming because Farmer wants to teach me to run the tractor this spring, and we are looking at sheep for MY, project.I doubt we actually go through with it but, we will see what happens!!
Hope you enjoyed, untill next time!! keep on farming!! ;)
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