Sometimes my ways of thinking are, well out there. I think too much, over analyze and always seem to find to worst case in everything. When I'm not thinking like that, I'm day dreaming. Always, will I forever be a dreamer.
So follow me for a moment while I join reality and fantasy. Trust me, you will like this one.
Carrie Bradshaw. I bet you thought of shoes, sex, and friends huh??
I've recently been catching old episodes of Sex and the City and as usual my mind wondered, yet really it wondered and circled right back to the connection of reality. Meaning, I think Miss Carrie, you may be on to something.
Clothes, o man the clothes. I could fantasize all day about Carrie's endless, bottomless back of closetless wardrobe. but really when you dissect this even further, I think she is on to something I may have been over looking.
I have always struggled with and even more since having a baby, is my style. I enjoy fashion and looking trending but what most of my arguments between myself and the mirror come down to are my own body image. Its always been a feud with myself over being perfect, I know I am far from it and no one is to blame. My mind like usual wonders to being thin. Yet in this day and age I have so many loved ones whom I have watched struggle with losing weight, and on the opposite side of the subject I have had just as many loved ones struggle with gaining weight. I know I need to read my own stuff but who's to say that weight defines us? But it can easily consume one's whole being and thoughts. Good or bad. As I am trying this whole lets better myself thing my weight of course is always in the front of my mind. A friend of mine once quoted me, " if I were to lose 10 more lbs I feel as if I would have more friends". I am going to take her quote and twist it to how my mind twisted it when she said it. "If I were to lose 10 more lbs, I wouldn't feel as stressed, or left out, or different when I act myself." I hate that our world has come to this in almost every girls mind.
So you may be thinking where did the Carrie Bradshaw go? I told you my mind, it wanders, bear with me.
I of course am a pinterest addict. I pin all the time, clothes, skinny people, food, baby things, and my favorite: quotes.
I was reskimming my pinterest boards the other day and ran across this beauty.
Now I am fully aware that Miss Carrie may or may not have said this. Lets just pretend the internet is not a weird, untrustworthy place and pretend she did.
I know she is thin, and pretty and has an endless closet. But its the way she dresses, that strikes this quote so true. In the show, she dresses how she wants when she wants. She could be extremely over dressed or look slightly homeless and yet everyone seems to go about their business because, thats Carrie, and she loves herself. So yes. The improving me, thin or a little plump, or always watching my weight is going to no matter what I look like, try to love myself first. Because I truly believe when you love yourself, everything else in life seems to be happier. I think everyone could use more happiness right? So yes, have fun, shop, buy new clothes, or get a trendy haircut, but while your trying to fit in, only do so if you really love it, and you really love yourself while doing it.

end rant.
and yes I still want SJP legs and outfit, or body in the outfit.