I feel I should warn you about this blog. It may get deep.
I also feel I should apologize for not writing for so long. I also need to be honest that at one point I had a blog written out ready to post, and I deleted it. Click, DELETE. The whole thing. SO I have decided that I have not been able to come up with a new blog because this old deleted blog is still in the back of my mind.so here it is.
In life lately I have been stressed, maybe not stressed as much as stressing. I stress over everything, money, weight, babies, other people who I feel are only hurting themselves in life. Don't get me wrong I am very happy, more happy than I have ever been in my life. but sometimes the stressors of life get to me. When I start on one subject, its like a whirlwind of emotions and it all spirals downward. That is all I will be saying on those subjects enough to get it off my chest.
On a more uplifting note I am going to give you three guess and the first two don't count about the latest news in my family with the clue of the following pictures.......
Yeppppp!! you guessed it!! I am going to be an aunt!! (pressure is on!!) I can't wait to hype the little booger up on sugar and buy them a puppy and send them home with worms in the monster's pockets!!! Ok ok I pry won't be that mean, but I am completely stoked. Husband is too he just doesn't show it like I do. Over Christmas we were both playing with the kiddos and I couldn't help but do the whole, tilt my head sideways, smirk and get lost in day thoughts of being pregnant and going to the movies together, running to late night ice cream shops, the first moment we both realize there is a little one of us, first steps, birthday parties, t-ball games, siblings, and complete chaos at the end of the day, but knowing it's all worth it. But back to my brother and wonderful sister in-law who both may or may not have fueled the fire of my baby fever. Our time will come and some are already joking that we do everything together, (my brother and I were married 2 months apart and have always been the two peas growing up) but our time will come I am sure of it! For now I am super excited for them and to spoil a little someone. I have wonderful Aunts and at times I wish I was closer to them or remember doing more things with them from when I was little. So here it is, my vow to be the most awesome aunt ever and def. the coolest one, someone the child can come to no matter what! :) Someday I will be that kind of mom too..... someday! ;)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
So you know you have been around a farmer a little too long when......
You go to Subway and ask for Flatbread, and end-up spitting out FlatBED instead, embarrassing? Ya, awesome :)
Close right?? mmmm...kinda
You go to Subway and ask for Flatbread, and end-up spitting out FlatBED instead, embarrassing? Ya, awesome :)
Close right?? mmmm...kinda
Thursday, November 4, 2010
All you are is MEAN !
Ok sooooo some people diss Miss Taylor Swift. I like her, I am envious of her locks of flowing hair, her homeliness, and her fun she puts in songs, ya ya ya she's no Reba or George and her "country" really isn't sooo country, but she can relate to alot of happenings in my life. Some old and some new. Like today, I wasn't in that great of a mood and after listening to my T-Swift CD all the way to and from work, I had it on my mind. So someone was particularity cruel to me at Scooter's while waitressing my little tail off. It doesn't help that I despise waiting tables in the first place and I was tired and haven't seen my husband in forever and that happen to be the subject this person was taunting at. Needless to say I cried to Wes, (on the phone of course, cause he's working) when I got off work and then I sang "All you are is Mean" from her new Album Speak Now. Yep I bought the album. It's pretty good if you have had some rough times and maybe some unhappy endings that had great and better effects in your life. Or you could be like me and find a new scenario every other day to match one of her songs. Needless to say Miss Taylor Swift can be a bit of therapy after a rough day! :) I like her. She's the storyteller of my life some days. So you should buy her Album, and reflect of her songs.
Her are the lyrics to "All you are is Mean" you can only imagine the day I had.... awesome.
You, with your words like knives
And swords and weapons that you use against me,
You, have knocked me off my feet again,
Got me feeling like I'm nothing.
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded.
You, pickin' on the weaker man.
Well you can take me down,
With just one single blow.
But you don't know, what you don't know,
Someday, I'll be living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides,
And your walk by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaws again,
As if I don't already see them.
I walk with my head down,
Trying to block you out cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again.
I bet you got pushed around,
Somebody made you cold,
But the cycle ends right now,
You can't lead me down that road,
You don't know, what you don't know
Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar,
Talking over a football game,
With that same big loud opinion but,
Nobody's listening,
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things,
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing.
But all you are is mean,
All you are is mean.
And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life,
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
But someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean. Yeah,
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so?
Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean. Yeah,
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so mean?
Her are the lyrics to "All you are is Mean" you can only imagine the day I had.... awesome.
You, with your words like knives
And swords and weapons that you use against me,
You, have knocked me off my feet again,
Got me feeling like I'm nothing.
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded.
You, pickin' on the weaker man.
Well you can take me down,
With just one single blow.
But you don't know, what you don't know,
Someday, I'll be living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides,
And your walk by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaws again,
As if I don't already see them.
I walk with my head down,
Trying to block you out cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again.
I bet you got pushed around,
Somebody made you cold,
But the cycle ends right now,
You can't lead me down that road,
You don't know, what you don't know
Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar,
Talking over a football game,
With that same big loud opinion but,
Nobody's listening,
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things,
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing.
But all you are is mean,
All you are is mean.
And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life,
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
But someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean. Yeah,
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so?
Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean. Yeah,
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Why you gotta be so mean?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Whatever happend to cooking, cleaning and laundry??
Well again it has been forever since I've blogged....... I apologize really :)
The latest farmer' wife's duties have included:
Duty #1 Feeding the boys in the field, which leads to... (Duty #1.A)Helping move equipment which leads to me, driving Wes' clutch diesel pickup, (which I am still quite rusty at). Needless to say considering what the worst thing could have been, I made it, and didn't even kill it once. Ok so I thought I was going to twice but I didn't and I thought I was going to get ran off the road by another truck... but I didn't :).
Duty #2 Helping Wes in the field. Well the guy who usually would be helping on this particular day had better things to do, like watching the birth of his child, you would have thought it was something important that he would be gone for. :) Anywhoooo longs story short I was the only one around to help. Yep me! I was shocked he asked me. First I was given the duty of taking the Ranger, (kinda like a 4 wheeler with a cab) and checking the hose, yep, the hose full of poo. Also to check the pump, yep, at the hog building, also filled with poo. So I was covered with dust, dirt, cornstalks, and the continuous smell of poo in my nose, but I toughed it out and helped all day. I helped the boss man move a wagon, made lunch (of course), and kept him company in the tractor. All done with minimal complaining :) Besides Wes said and I quote, "Gosh you look so pretty with cornstalks in your hair"( at that point in the day it was hard to tell his real thinkings from the sarcastic ones, but in a way it was still sweet) :)
Duty #3 ROAD TRIP!!!!!!........... to Missouri, to ......(drum roll please!)...... look at cows :)
Yeppers Wes asked me to ride with him, just across the boarder to MO. Surprisingly enough, Missouri is actually kinda pretty, if you look beyond the fireworks stands and small shacks, its not that bad. So..... we went and met Mr. H, and his cows. Wes was in Heaven needless to say. This guy has been in the cow "bizz" for quite sometime now. His pastures are perfect and HUGE, and his cows, well for cows, are beautiful. As we pull up towards Mr. H's "ranch" There is a beautiful, log cabin home, basically a dream home. Pond in the yard, fence leading to it, well landscaped, and of course cows. Butttttt that was the neighbors house. :)
H's house was just as nice, chickens, cats, geese, Amish people working, cows and calves, and donkeys. H was a kind, older man, who would have talked our legs off if we let him, but a real "wheel and dealer". You see it and put a price on it, it's for sale!
As we were waiting for H to pick us up to show us the cows, I couldn't help but to be observant. H's wife came out of the house. She looked like a sweet lady, gum boots, baggy sweatpants and matching sweatshirt, and shaggy hair in need of some color and style? O boy you could only imagine the thoughts of my future that ran through my head, Wes was mesmerized by the whole trip, he would love to move there and be Mr. H Jr.,his life would be complete and I would beMrs. H...H... H... O NO, I don't think so, I'll stick with doing hair, and trying to be as cute as possible with pig smell on me. :)
The latest farmer' wife's duties have included:
Duty #1 Feeding the boys in the field, which leads to... (Duty #1.A)Helping move equipment which leads to me, driving Wes' clutch diesel pickup, (which I am still quite rusty at). Needless to say considering what the worst thing could have been, I made it, and didn't even kill it once. Ok so I thought I was going to twice but I didn't and I thought I was going to get ran off the road by another truck... but I didn't :).
Duty #2 Helping Wes in the field. Well the guy who usually would be helping on this particular day had better things to do, like watching the birth of his child, you would have thought it was something important that he would be gone for. :) Anywhoooo longs story short I was the only one around to help. Yep me! I was shocked he asked me. First I was given the duty of taking the Ranger, (kinda like a 4 wheeler with a cab) and checking the hose, yep, the hose full of poo. Also to check the pump, yep, at the hog building, also filled with poo. So I was covered with dust, dirt, cornstalks, and the continuous smell of poo in my nose, but I toughed it out and helped all day. I helped the boss man move a wagon, made lunch (of course), and kept him company in the tractor. All done with minimal complaining :) Besides Wes said and I quote, "Gosh you look so pretty with cornstalks in your hair"( at that point in the day it was hard to tell his real thinkings from the sarcastic ones, but in a way it was still sweet) :)
Duty #3 ROAD TRIP!!!!!!........... to Missouri, to ......(drum roll please!)...... look at cows :)
Yeppers Wes asked me to ride with him, just across the boarder to MO. Surprisingly enough, Missouri is actually kinda pretty, if you look beyond the fireworks stands and small shacks, its not that bad. So..... we went and met Mr. H, and his cows. Wes was in Heaven needless to say. This guy has been in the cow "bizz" for quite sometime now. His pastures are perfect and HUGE, and his cows, well for cows, are beautiful. As we pull up towards Mr. H's "ranch" There is a beautiful, log cabin home, basically a dream home. Pond in the yard, fence leading to it, well landscaped, and of course cows. Butttttt that was the neighbors house. :)
H's house was just as nice, chickens, cats, geese, Amish people working, cows and calves, and donkeys. H was a kind, older man, who would have talked our legs off if we let him, but a real "wheel and dealer". You see it and put a price on it, it's for sale!
As we were waiting for H to pick us up to show us the cows, I couldn't help but to be observant. H's wife came out of the house. She looked like a sweet lady, gum boots, baggy sweatpants and matching sweatshirt, and shaggy hair in need of some color and style? O boy you could only imagine the thoughts of my future that ran through my head, Wes was mesmerized by the whole trip, he would love to move there and be Mr. H Jr.,his life would be complete and I would be
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sperry Topsiders :)
Its been a while since I have last posted, sorry :) we have yet to get the internet at our house so that would be my reasoning.
Not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote. It was rainy one of those weeks that I didn't write so Wes and I played some Mario and got pictures hung. It was great to see him for longer than 10 mins.He is back to work now but I have rode with him a few times.
Last night after riding in the tractor with him, I showed my true colors, yep I slipped on some poo and fell out of the tractor. It hurt like the dickens and I don't even have a bruise! :(
Over the weekend while Weslee was working my best friend and I did some much needed retail therapy. I got some good deals and some new fall/cold weather items! Joslin and I were looking at new shoes something practical and comfortable, she convinced me and I convinced her after seeing them on each other that they were adorable, don't be too quick to make judgments. At first glance they may look like grandpa golf shoes (that came from one of my high school cheerleaders I coach) or your grandmothers loafers, but they are very practical and can be worn with a number of outfits! They have a look like a target moccasin but have a better sole and wont look like crud if you get stuck in the rain with them! Soooo here they are.........go ahead and say your two cents worth but I LOVE THEM! :)
Ladies and Gents may I introduce to you the Sperry Topsiders
Not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote. It was rainy one of those weeks that I didn't write so Wes and I played some Mario and got pictures hung. It was great to see him for longer than 10 mins.He is back to work now but I have rode with him a few times.
Last night after riding in the tractor with him, I showed my true colors, yep I slipped on some poo and fell out of the tractor. It hurt like the dickens and I don't even have a bruise! :(
Over the weekend while Weslee was working my best friend and I did some much needed retail therapy. I got some good deals and some new fall/cold weather items! Joslin and I were looking at new shoes something practical and comfortable, she convinced me and I convinced her after seeing them on each other that they were adorable, don't be too quick to make judgments. At first glance they may look like grandpa golf shoes (that came from one of my high school cheerleaders I coach) or your grandmothers loafers, but they are very practical and can be worn with a number of outfits! They have a look like a target moccasin but have a better sole and wont look like crud if you get stuck in the rain with them! Soooo here they are.........go ahead and say your two cents worth but I LOVE THEM! :)
Ladies and Gents may I introduce to you the Sperry Topsiders

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Here comes the bride..... and there goes the farmer!
Wellllll we did it!! yup, we got hitched! (farmer terms I am trying out)
The wedding, I thought, was beautiful and everything I ever imagined. Fairy tale perfect. I am so in love and never been this happy ever! Wes and I had a great time and a shout out to the best wedding party ever, and to everyone who helped out!
My wonderful MOH!! :) I love her!!
My beautiful bridesmaids!! :)

Wedding party!! :) :)
<3 Mr. && Mrs.
so..... we have been married for 120 hours, and with the poo hauling season in almost full swing, I have maybe seen (not counting sleeping hours) my new husband for maybe 30 of those hours. we were together all day Sunday and after that it has been about a half hour when he gets home each night/early morning. Rough life but I am ready for the ride. I have shed a tear or two. It wasn't like this last year, its just the newlywed thing. Last year I rode with him and everything and he never once asked if I was mad or upset that we didn't see each other often., but this year I get a few phone calls a day asking if I am mad, sad, scared in the house by myself, or if anything is wrong.I know he misses me this way. I am doing okay, really......just LONELY. Thats only word to describe it. I want to see Wes more. I want opinions on how supper tastes or the snacks I make, or opinions on where to hang this picture or if it looks straight. Someone to play Mario against on the WII, or to show that I put all the new things together myself, someone to laugh at me while I am hanging a shelf and running the power tools, someone to sunggle with when I fall asleep. Its hard but things will get better. He should be moving the equipment to haul closer to home today and they are slowing down a little until more crops are out to haul the poo on. I will ride with him when he's closer to home, and I will be ok in a week or so.........until then, Pray for RAIN! :) I love him dearly and this is no big deal!
The wedding, I thought, was beautiful and everything I ever imagined. Fairy tale perfect. I am so in love and never been this happy ever! Wes and I had a great time and a shout out to the best wedding party ever, and to everyone who helped out!
My wonderful MOH!! :) I love her!!
My beautiful bridesmaids!! :)

<3 Mr. && Mrs.
so..... we have been married for 120 hours, and with the poo hauling season in almost full swing, I have maybe seen (not counting sleeping hours) my new husband for maybe 30 of those hours. we were together all day Sunday and after that it has been about a half hour when he gets home each night/early morning. Rough life but I am ready for the ride. I have shed a tear or two. It wasn't like this last year, its just the newlywed thing. Last year I rode with him and everything and he never once asked if I was mad or upset that we didn't see each other often., but this year I get a few phone calls a day asking if I am mad, sad, scared in the house by myself, or if anything is wrong.I know he misses me this way. I am doing okay, really......just LONELY. Thats only word to describe it. I want to see Wes more. I want opinions on how supper tastes or the snacks I make, or opinions on where to hang this picture or if it looks straight. Someone to play Mario against on the WII, or to show that I put all the new things together myself, someone to laugh at me while I am hanging a shelf and running the power tools, someone to sunggle with when I fall asleep. Its hard but things will get better. He should be moving the equipment to haul closer to home today and they are slowing down a little until more crops are out to haul the poo on. I will ride with him when he's closer to home, and I will be ok in a week or so.........until then, Pray for RAIN! :) I love him dearly and this is no big deal!
Friday, August 27, 2010
So I decided the other day that I needed to work on my building skills.
I need to work on building my physical strength as well as my mental.
One. I was given the "chore" to mow the lawn, great, fine, I don't mind it, except the fact that the mower is about 500 years old and takes some muscle to turn the wheel. The safety seat is off, so if I get wild on a slope and tip over it won't shut off.
So as it goes I get done mowing, and have to feed and water the dog and cat, simple right, wrong. It would be simple if I was roughly 5'7''-5'9''. The bucket, in which does not have the little plastic thing on the metal handle to wrork as a "cushion", comes down to my ankles when walking. The dog's kennel is on the other side of the yard, which involves passing down a slope and across a driveway with a 5 gallon bucket full of water, which is heavy. Call me a whimp but it sucks! Does the dog really need a whole 5 gallon bucket of water? No but by the time you get there you have sloshed so much water out its about 3 gallons and after pouring out his old and rinsing the dish holds about 1 1/2 gallons. All while doing this with a very HYPER 1 year old Golden Retriever, who is insisting you are wanting to play with the water and bucket, running and jumping around you. Doing these things with no sweat is going to help me help Wes more. :)
Mental strength,
I have come to realize that getting married in 15 days and with my luck, Wes going to the field in 16 days (odds are good) I am going to be home alone in the middle of nowhere. No problem right?? Down time, relax, nest yourself in the new place etc etc etc...... WRONG>>>>>>
1) I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF THE DARK. I run from the light switch to the bed, I mean seriously, and Wes has yet to fix the pole light outside in the driveway. AWESOME :S
2) Sometimes (alot) the house blows fuses or looses electricity. Fuse box:: located in the creepy corner in the odd shapeddungeon room in the basement. (refer back to #1)
3) Just married and by myself,,,, Not fun. :(
Courage. Courage. Courage.
Welll tomorrows a big day I will try to get back here asap, and maybe with my free time I can work on some pictures on my blog!! :)
I need to work on building my physical strength as well as my mental.
One. I was given the "chore" to mow the lawn, great, fine, I don't mind it, except the fact that the mower is about 500 years old and takes some muscle to turn the wheel. The safety seat is off, so if I get wild on a slope and tip over it won't shut off.
So as it goes I get done mowing, and have to feed and water the dog and cat, simple right, wrong. It would be simple if I was roughly 5'7''-5'9''. The bucket, in which does not have the little plastic thing on the metal handle to wrork as a "cushion", comes down to my ankles when walking. The dog's kennel is on the other side of the yard, which involves passing down a slope and across a driveway with a 5 gallon bucket full of water, which is heavy. Call me a whimp but it sucks! Does the dog really need a whole 5 gallon bucket of water? No but by the time you get there you have sloshed so much water out its about 3 gallons and after pouring out his old and rinsing the dish holds about 1 1/2 gallons. All while doing this with a very HYPER 1 year old Golden Retriever, who is insisting you are wanting to play with the water and bucket, running and jumping around you. Doing these things with no sweat is going to help me help Wes more. :)
Mental strength,
I have come to realize that getting married in 15 days and with my luck, Wes going to the field in 16 days (odds are good) I am going to be home alone in the middle of nowhere. No problem right?? Down time, relax, nest yourself in the new place etc etc etc...... WRONG>>>>>>
1) I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF THE DARK. I run from the light switch to the bed, I mean seriously, and Wes has yet to fix the pole light outside in the driveway. AWESOME :S
2) Sometimes (alot) the house blows fuses or looses electricity. Fuse box:: located in the creepy corner in the odd shaped
3) Just married and by myself,,,, Not fun. :(
Courage. Courage. Courage.
Welll tomorrows a big day I will try to get back here asap, and maybe with my free time I can work on some pictures on my blog!! :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Once upon a time......
So... Here I am!! && Here we go!
I am trying this "blog" thing to help keep me company and possibly relieve some stress of learning the 101's to becoming a Farmer's Wife.
Let me tell you our story :))
Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl.
This boy was a hard working, pig/cattle raisin', corn bean plantin/harvestin, manure haulin', good ol' boy! He had a plan, his life worked out and wasn't so sure if a woman was a part of it.
He'd has his ups and downs and go rounds' with them and had just decided that he would be the lonesome farmer.
This girl was young, and not so sure about what life held for her, she also had given up on love and was into taking risks, making jumps with her eyes shut, and never missing an opportunity. She had wanted nothing more in life but to fall in love, marry a farmer, live happily and have babies! :) But she had decided that life and God didn't want that for her, untill.... yep you guessed it
Wes and I met, and sparks flew I never felt so loved or cared for in my life. He has so much love for me it brings tears to my eyes. I love him like I have never love before and always get the same in return. God heard our prayers for happiness and gave us each other. If you may it was Love at first sight.
So yep we are "getttin' hitched"!! T-minus 22 days! September 11, 2010 is the date that all my craziness will start!
After getting to know Wes he is a stresser, a driver, a leader, a work alone type a guy. So this 2 people thing is hard for him, and this Farm thing is hard for me! This first year should be interesting, so we are diving in head first, with love. <3
Bear with us Folks the fun is just beginning!!!
I am trying this "blog" thing to help keep me company and possibly relieve some stress of learning the 101's to becoming a Farmer's Wife.
Let me tell you our story :))
Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl.
This boy was a hard working, pig/cattle raisin', corn bean plantin/harvestin, manure haulin', good ol' boy! He had a plan, his life worked out and wasn't so sure if a woman was a part of it.
He'd has his ups and downs and go rounds' with them and had just decided that he would be the lonesome farmer.
This girl was young, and not so sure about what life held for her, she also had given up on love and was into taking risks, making jumps with her eyes shut, and never missing an opportunity. She had wanted nothing more in life but to fall in love, marry a farmer, live happily and have babies! :) But she had decided that life and God didn't want that for her, untill.... yep you guessed it
Wes and I met, and sparks flew I never felt so loved or cared for in my life. He has so much love for me it brings tears to my eyes. I love him like I have never love before and always get the same in return. God heard our prayers for happiness and gave us each other. If you may it was Love at first sight.
So yep we are "getttin' hitched"!! T-minus 22 days! September 11, 2010 is the date that all my craziness will start!
After getting to know Wes he is a stresser, a driver, a leader, a work alone type a guy. So this 2 people thing is hard for him, and this Farm thing is hard for me! This first year should be interesting, so we are diving in head first, with love. <3
Bear with us Folks the fun is just beginning!!!
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