Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Whatever happend to cooking, cleaning and laundry??

Well again it has been forever since I've blogged....... I apologize really :)
The latest farmer' wife's duties have included:

Duty #1 Feeding the boys in the field, which leads to... (Duty #1.A)Helping move equipment which leads to me, driving Wes' clutch diesel pickup, (which I am still quite rusty at). Needless to say considering what the worst thing could have been, I made it, and didn't even kill it once. Ok so I thought I was going to twice but I didn't and I thought I was going to get ran off the road by another truck... but I didn't :).

Duty #2 Helping Wes in the field. Well the guy who usually would be helping on this particular day had better things to do, like watching the birth of his child, you would have thought it was something important that he would be gone for. :) Anywhoooo longs story short I was the only one around to help. Yep me! I was shocked he asked me. First I was given the duty of taking the Ranger, (kinda like a 4 wheeler with a cab) and checking the hose, yep, the hose full of poo. Also to check the pump, yep, at the hog building, also filled with poo. So I was covered with dust, dirt, cornstalks, and the continuous smell of poo in my nose,  but I toughed it out and helped all day. I helped the boss man move a wagon, made lunch (of course), and kept him company in the tractor. All done with minimal complaining :) Besides Wes said and I quote, "Gosh you look so pretty with cornstalks in your hair"( at that point in the day it was hard to tell his real thinkings from the sarcastic ones, but in a way it was still sweet) :)

Duty #3 ROAD TRIP!!!!!!........... to Missouri, to ......(drum roll please!)...... look at cows :)
Yeppers Wes asked me to ride with him, just across the boarder to MO. Surprisingly enough, Missouri is actually kinda pretty, if you look beyond the fireworks stands and small shacks, its not that bad. So..... we went and met Mr. H, and his cows. Wes was in Heaven needless to say. This guy has been in the cow "bizz" for quite sometime now. His pastures are perfect and HUGE, and his cows, well for cows, are beautiful. As we pull up towards Mr. H's "ranch" There is a beautiful, log cabin home, basically a dream home. Pond in the yard, fence leading to it, well landscaped, and of course cows.  Butttttt that was the neighbors house. :)
H's house was just as nice, chickens, cats, geese, Amish people working,  cows and calves, and donkeys. H was a kind, older man, who would have talked our legs off if we let him, but a real "wheel and dealer". You see it and put a price on it, it's for sale!
As we were waiting for H to pick us up to show us the cows, I couldn't help but to be observant. H's wife came out of the house. She looked like a sweet lady, gum boots, baggy sweatpants and matching sweatshirt, and shaggy hair in need of some color and style? O boy you could only imagine the thoughts of my future that ran through my head,  Wes was mesmerized by the whole trip, he would love to move there and be Mr. H Jr.,his life would be complete and I would be Mrs. H...H... H... O NO, I don't think so, I'll stick with doing hair, and trying to be as cute as possible with pig smell on me. :)


  1. Your life is so cute.

    Next time you're going to Kirksville give me a call! I only live an hour and 20 min from there!

  2. Kallie! wes and I completely had this conversations! I said hey its ok we can move to MO because Kallie lives here then we both decided that I would be miserable because about the time we ever moved there you and Mr. B would be getting married and move to Iowa! :) It was a fun convo!
