The wedding, I thought, was beautiful and everything I ever imagined. Fairy tale perfect. I am so in love and never been this happy ever! Wes and I had a great time and a shout out to the best wedding party ever, and to everyone who helped out!
My wonderful MOH!! :) I love her!!
My beautiful bridesmaids!! :)

<3 Mr. && Mrs.
so..... we have been married for 120 hours, and with the poo hauling season in almost full swing, I have maybe seen (not counting sleeping hours) my new husband for maybe 30 of those hours. we were together all day Sunday and after that it has been about a half hour when he gets home each night/early morning. Rough life but I am ready for the ride. I have shed a tear or two. It wasn't like this last year, its just the newlywed thing. Last year I rode with him and everything and he never once asked if I was mad or upset that we didn't see each other often., but this year I get a few phone calls a day asking if I am mad, sad, scared in the house by myself, or if anything is wrong.I know he misses me this way. I am doing okay, really......just LONELY. Thats only word to describe it. I want to see Wes more. I want opinions on how supper tastes or the snacks I make, or opinions on where to hang this picture or if it looks straight. Someone to play Mario against on the WII, or to show that I put all the new things together myself, someone to laugh at me while I am hanging a shelf and running the power tools, someone to sunggle with when I fall asleep. Its hard but things will get better. He should be moving the equipment to haul closer to home today and they are slowing down a little until more crops are out to haul the poo on. I will ride with him when he's closer to home, and I will be ok in a week or so.........until then, Pray for RAIN! :) I love him dearly and this is no big deal!